Simensacker main site is a square island floating in the mixture of incompatible urban tissues. This patchwork of formally diverse yet programmatically equally suburban areas is lacking any sense of destination or centre.
Siemens formally industrial site is undergoing programmatic change which liberates 3 surrounding plots for new identity.
These three different and disconnected sites do literally share only the walls of Siemens main areas.
Site one : Almost triangular shape bordering between two extreme scale and program conditions. On one side garden houses and on other industrial halls.
Site two is potential front of the development now performs as a buffer between train tracks and Siemens headquarters.
Site three is collection of warehouses of various quality segregated from other two sites by busy Siemens road.
Projects takes advantage of the drastically different qualities and obvious differences of project sites.
Rather than developing each site as an autonomous urbanism we propose to chain all three in one continuous urban Experience. We mobilize the circular path which touches 3 corners of the Siemens square. Each site maintains its unique characteristic yet together they form one urban strategy. Further more we suggest to open two main corridors trough Siemens square for pedestrian and bicycles. This Cardo and Decumanus will not just make Siemens site more permeable but also establishes certain Center of gravity.